GS Now
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The new GS Now mobile app brings you anytime, anywhere access to the leading edge of Goldman Sachs’ market views and thought leadership.
In the app you’ll find:OneGS: The latest insights from across the firm-- curated with mobile first in mind, and organized thematically into Sections and a Personalized ‘Stream’ of anything you Follow:
o In-depth reports from Global Investment Research analysts
o Live commentary on what’s happening in the markets right now from Global Markets sales, traders and quantitative strategists
o A truly One GS collection of videos and podcasts
• The ability to Follow your preferred authors, subscribe to top insights, easily share content with client and colleagues, and receive an alert on your phone when anything new is published
• Live Market Data and Analytics, powered by Marquee
• Fast and frictionless login with FaceID and TouchID
So stay ahead of the game: connect directly with authors, sales and colleagues as insights become breaking news. Get alerts when your most trusted authors publish a new note or report. Save for later and reflect offline.
With GS Now, you have the full power of Goldman Sachs’ intelligence in your pocket.
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